Dear IM Alumni Community,
It’s been a while since you have heard from us officially. We hope you are healthy and doing well. To keep you up to date with what’s happening we have designed a newsletter format. So let’s get you up to speed!
Highlights since last we spoke
We had our Annual General Assembly on 7th October 2020. The minutes can be found here. There we officiated the change of the old guard by thanking Brigitte formally and welcoming two new board members: Alexander Häfeli who was elected by the AGM and Linda Messerli, who was provided by the Students Council! It’s a pleasure to have them in our team – and Brigitte – we hope to still see you at our events! Thank you for your excellent dedication and work.
Finally, we started a new event format: the IMStories webinars and held two successful iterations. One on study advice and another on international careers. The second one was in collaboration with the career services. Both webinars contained an introduction into the topics by our panelists (all IM Alumni) who told their stories followed by a moderated panel discussion with questions by the moderator and the participants following the webinar.
Upcoming events in Spring 21
For spring 21 we have mainly online events and will continue with the successful IMStories webinars. Furthermore, we will introduce a new series of webinars called: “IMSpotlight” where we will dedicate an hour to companies, projects, or causes that our Alumni have created. During the webinar, the participants will be introduced to the spotlighted thing and the Alumni behind it. Following that, the participants can ask questions to the Alumni about their successful journey. Hopefully, it will inspire more initiatives in our community!
Both for IMStories and IMSpotlight we are looking for topics from the community. So do not hesitate to reach out to us! Is there a trendy topic you’d like to have discussed in a panel? Is there a charity you founded and would like to introduce us to?
Next to the content driven online programmes we will also launch an “IMOffline” challenge where we will push our Alumni to take some time off, switch off their devices and do something for their mental health! All of this in a fun competitive format. So stay tuned for more information regarding this.
Finally, for those who just want to have fun and meet other alumni we have you covered with the Online PubQuiz which will be hosted on Discord. The date is still pending and will be announced on the website too. Make sure to join this with your fellow alumni to make it an evening to remember. Perhaps you can even claim the right to be called the smartest alumni!
Here’s the semester programme:
- 10th March: IMStories Webinar on Bachelor Thesis’
- 21st March-4th April: IMOffline challenge
- 21st April: IMSpotlight Webinar with Fabian Zbinden from Beeyond
- April/May: Online PubQuiz on Discord
- May: IMSpotlight Webinar (no topic yet)
- June: IMStories Webinar (no topic yet)
- Summer (TBA): Annual General Meeting
Check out our event page for new events and updates!
Your participation opportunities
We’re always looking for Alumni to become more active and suggest and/or organise events of all sizes. Could be a small get-together (online for now) locally or a larger content driven event. Just link up with us and join our team! The more contributors we have the more value we create.
Furthermore, if you have discussion topics for webinars or a company/project/charity you would think is interesting to share in a Spotlight session – just approach us!
Finally, we have prepared something small for you to spice up your daily online calls: The IM Alumni Buzzword Bingo! While attending hours and hours of online calls try to see if you can get a row (or even the whole sheet) during a call!
We are looking forward to seeing you at an event soon and would love to hear from you any time. If there are questions do not hesitate to contact us.
In the name of the IM Alumni board
Theo Whitwill – President
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