

Posted on 13/12/2017

Manuel Frei at the Industrie 4.0 trade fair in Nürnberg

The prize was a trip to Europe’s largest trade fair – Industrie 4.0 – in Nürnberg. CEO and IM alumnus Stephan Kunz offered this at the Bid for a Boss – Manuel Frei placed the winning bid.  The two shared a dinner of Rotkraut and Spätzle the night before  the big day – looks impressive.  We don’t know what Manuel thought of the robot, though.

There will be more such amazing opportunities at next year’s Bid for a Boss. Set for 12 April – so save the date.

Manuel Frei (left) won the bid for CEO (and IM Alumnus) Stephan Kunz’s offer to be taken to Europe’s largest trade fair in Nürnberg.

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