

Posted on 11/01/2018

Met on day 1 – the crew! From left Robel, Manuel, Reto , Daniele (in front) and David

This is our crew.  We met on the very first day of studies in IM.  In one of the classes we had to form a group and there was no choice, really, all 5 of us guys were in the back row.  There was an instant chemistry among us though and the friendships have proved lasting.  After graduation, we all went our separate ways but remain in touch sporadically.  And – whenever one of us turns 30 we get together. Recently it was David’s turn and we all made sure we could at least catch up, say hi and plan our next common activity.

Graduated in 2012

(Photo: Natascha Jansen)

Now  After 4 years as the Head of eCulture, Marketing and Communications at the Basel Museum of History, I changed jobs last August and am now Digital Consultant at Xeit GmbH where I can concentrate on what is my passion – digital communication.  At this agency, I can work on a broad range of projects such as working out social media strategies, re-designing websites, drawing up concepts for blogs or working on some kind of digital projects that yet have to be defined.  Sometimes we work for bigger corporations, but it’s also very nice to help the smaller start-ups.  I hold Social Media workshops or even broader-themed workshops for clients.  I also do more teaching now.  Currently I hold courses in community management at the ZHAW (Zürcher Hochschule for Angewandte Wissenschaften) and once a semester I’m guest lecturing at the Albert-Ludwigs University in Freiburg im Breisgau on eCulture.  I love the diversity of my roles but it is of course demanding.

After graduation My career path was a case of serendipity.  I took on an internship at the Basel Museum of History and just then they were looking for someone who could do Social Media.  This role expanded over the years where I developed a digital strategy and in teams worked on numerous cross- and transmedial events and activities. It was a good time. I had the chance to start from zero and eventually was invited to present our digital strategy in Atlanta, Barcelona, Berlin and various other places in Europe. At the same time, I returned to the FHNW repeatedly to further educate myself in this field: I first did a DAS in e-Business Management and currently I’m doing the Master in Digital Marketing (to be quite honest, I never would have thought I would do that).

How did studying IM help? It gave me an international mindset.  I always felt that there’s a different approach in IM both on the personal and the business level.  We were always encouraged to think outside the box and to be open-minded.  This mindset increased my initial motivation to study IM and it has served me extremely well in my professional field.  Social Media, digital media is also very much about being open-minded.

Want to get in touch with Daniele?  You’ll find him on our closed IM Alumni group on LinkedIn. (And of course, you’ll find him on Facebook, on Twitter, on Instagram, on Snapchat, on Xing, on SoundCloud, and on his very own dotcom page!)

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